Do you have questions? Here are some answers.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you need additional information.

Services and eligibility

Are there any conditions for obtaining a consultation?

Yes. You must :

  • be 18 years or older; and
  • reside in Quebec.

In addition, your case must:

Finally, the time frame of a consultation must be in line with and meet the deadlines imposed by law and the courts.

Can you represent me in court?

No. For the time being, we do not provide representation in court. Please see the our services section to learn more about the services we offer. Please see the Ressources section if you need a lawyer to represent you in court.

What is the difference between the services you offer and those offered by Legal Aid?

Our mission is to make justice more accessible to the general public, while training future lawyers. Our services cover specific areas of law and are provided by law students. Consultations are supervised by lawyers 

Legal aid is a public service provided free of charge or with a small contribution towards the cost of the services to financially eligible individuals. Legal aid lawyers are mandated to advise their clients and can represent them in court. 

 If you think you are eligible for legal aid, it may be to your advantage to use their services.


Students and supervising lawyers

Can I consult a supervising lawyer or student of my choice?

No. You cannot choose the supervising lawyer or the students who provide consultation. However, we ensure that these individuals have no conflict of interest when taking on your case.

Are supervising lawyers insured for the work they do at the Clinique juridique?

Yes. All supervising lawyers carry professional liability insurance issued by the Professional liability insurance fund of the Barreau du Québec. They are liable for the professional actions of the students they supervise.


Accessibility and procedure for consultations

I have opted for an in-person consultation, but I prefer a virtual meeting. Can I change?

Yes. You can change from an in-person consultation to a virtual meeting (or vice-versa) up to 24 hours before your appointment. You must contact us to let us know.

Who can I contact if I have trouble connecting to a virtual consultation?

To find out how to join a Teams meeting, please visit the Microsoft website. If you are unable to connect, at the time of your appointment, you can reach our receptionist at 1 833 997-2527.

How long does a consultation last?

Consultations last approximately 45 minutes. Since students are in training, consultations may take a little longer, which may cause a slight delay in appointments.

Can I bring someone along to my appointments at the Clinique juridique?

Yes. However, at the very beginning of the consultation, students will explain the concept of professional secrecy when you bring someone along. You must ensure that the person you bring along will be absolutely discreet.

To how many consultations am I entitled?

Generally, two meetings are sufficient to obtain the services provided for in the mandate.
Once the mandate has been completed, you can consult us again if the situation evolves or if you require legal advice for another issue.

Can you collect an amount of money for me in connection with a case and then give it to me?

No. We do not conduct any financial transactions or money exchanges. If you are owed money, or if you have to pay money in connection with a case, you must reach an agreement with the adverse party, their lawyer or the court in question.


Hours and time frames

Do you provide legal consultations without appointment?

No. Unfortunately, we cannot provide consultations without an appointment. Before you come to the Clinique juridique, please make sure your appointment has been confirmed.

Making an appointment

Why do I have to fill out a form to make an appointment?

The consultation request form allows us to obtain the information we need to verify whether your case qualifies. Doing so saves you time and/or keeps you from coming to our offices if we are unable to take on your case.

How can I cancel or reschedule my appointment?  

If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please contact us as soon as possible by email info@cliniquejuridiquebarreau.ca or bu phone at 1 833 997-2527. Please note, however, that there may be times when we are so busy that it is difficult to reschedule an appointment.

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